1. Entering the water with headjump, followed by 25 meter front crawl
2. Starting from the wall in the water. In up to 3 diving, Picking up 3 objects: one red, one yellow and blue, which are at a depth of at least 2 meters
With snorkeling equipment
1. 50 Meter snorkeling, where each 25 meters twice two turns are made around the body longitudinal axis, alternately clockwise and counterclockwise.The snorkel reamains in the mouth.
2. 50 Meter snorkeling, where twice a dip angle ( hoekduik)made toward soil, followed by 10 meters underwater swimming. Throughout the distance face will stay under water.
3. At least 1 meter deep one ear press to the tip of a 2 meters long PVC pipe pressures. On the side The tube is called an object, which then by the candidate of the ground and then packed should be brought to the surface.
4. While swimming underwater two ends of a string tying together with a square knot.
5. 25 meter snorkel with a webbed.